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woman with chemical peel on face

VI Chemical Peels in Greensboro, NC

Are you looking for a good exfoliation to help brighten and even out your skin tone? At Glow Aesthetics we offer different kinds of VI Peelss depending on your needs. We also have body peels!

Book a Consult with your Glow Aesthetics provider to see which Chemical Peel will be best suited for your skin!

Frequently Asked Questions

Chemical Peels are a method of exfoliation ranging from mild, that work in the upper layers of the epidermis, to deeper peels, that penetrate the deeper layers of the epidermis and upper dermal tissue. Peel levels are selected based on your overall skin health and desired goal! Peels can be used to enhance and increase overall treatment results to target the following conditions: Sun damage, rough/uneven texture, fine lines, wrinkles, tissue laxity, acne, congestion in the skin, hyperpigmentation, dullness, dryness, and certain types of scarring.

We prep your skin by using products to cleanse and degrease, getting rid of any make-up and oils on the skin, this allows for even penetration of the chemical peel. We start with one layer of the chemical peel and possibly more depending on how aggressive your aesthetician thinks is needed.

The process usually takes 30-45 minutes but can be adjusted depending on your needs. There is no pain or discomfort, and the treatment is safe.

Your provider will decide which type of chemical peel is best suited for your skin. Depending on the level of chemical peel you may experience no peeling or moderate peeling of the skin. Once your skin is done going through the peeling process, it will look bright and refreshed.

We recommend a series of 3-6 chemical peels for optimum results. With allowing 4 weeks in between each treatment.

  • No sun exposure one week before treatment.
  • Stop using retinoids one week prior to treatment.

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